In this plot we can see clearly that all people who have awakened the elemental force in themselves, each other.
Each is connected with everyone and does not take only the different beings, but also the innermost nature of all countries on.
Such a man, a Sahaja Yogi appears to be a single entity to be, but in fact he carries all others in itself.
What kind of a big step for the world because of many individuals for the first time in human history many true collective nature: they surprise now their parents, relatives, friends and those to do with where they are with their amazing statements, its great knowledge and all their upright posture:
No more racism, no
arrogance towards others, not exploitation
no hostility and wars,
no discrimination, no religious delusion
no fanaticism.
great understanding and great understanding.
Even if such a Yogi alone does something, all his actions are automatically collectively, it does not help.
- the poet Elias
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