A guest post by Dr. Susan Buschmann
Chinese Cultural Center in Berlin.美
For Central Europeans hardly imagine, but true: Chinese is the most commonly spoken language in the world. More than a fifth of the world's population speaks Chinese, even taking into account that this language breaks down into many, sometimes very different dialects. Can we therefore have classified Chinese as a world language? In China on this issue recently flared up a lively discussion, because it is still a fact that Chinese is spoken mainly by the Chinese themselves. It should be noted that Chinese on the 1, 3 billion inhabitants of the People's Republic of China is also still used by hundreds of millions of overseas Chinese as mother tongue.
A look at the situation here in the last decade shows a clear change on the use on the World Wide Web.Hier is Chinese, for example, has become the second most common language after English - not least because that there are hundreds of millions of Chinese who use the Internet daily. And for over 60 years, Chinese recognized official language of the UN. More and more spread internationally, the recognition that development of the wealth of culture and history of China, going beyond the superficial, only by knowing its language and writing is possible. Is currently quite consistent with the growing role of China in the international community in many countries around the world, the demand after learning of the Chinese clearly, including Germany and Berlin.
Chinese in any age
Not only young people but also many older people can get involved in the language, despite the fact that Chinese is to learn in general, rather difficult. This will make many, the experience that the spoken Chinese to European ears at first sounds very strange indeed, Chinese is a language with different clays, but is certainly learn.
The mastery of Chinese writing does, however, compared to alphabetic systems much more time and effort. But the effort is worth it. For only by knowing the Chinese characters are the Europeans really opens up access to new and old culture of China. The Chinese writing, the oldest writing system in the world, not just once other East Asian cultures have been taken, even today it plays in the modernization process of China an increasingly important role. This is a very lively writing, which not only serves as a practical means of communication in China and East Asia, but in the same time reflecting the culture of China in a special way. This close connection between language and writing of history, culture, lifestyle, philosophy and feelings of a nation is to be a unique phenomenon in the world dar.
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