Here Part Three of our series, come in the professional translators in the EU to speak. The Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission is in many European countries with so-called "Field Offices" represented. On Monday reported Mariusz Czarnecki , translators in the Berlin office, from his work. Veronika Borakova of Field Office in Bratislava, Slovakia was followed on Wednesday with interesting Einblicke.
Heute erzählt Bengt Samuelsson von der Außenstelle Stockholm in Schweden von seiner abwechslungsreichen Arbeitswoche.
Monday: In the morning, translated a virulent article on the CAP's devastating effects on traditional Swedish pasture lands.
In the afternoon, put into local language a rebuttal from the Spokesperson, saying that the Commission is the guardian of traditional Swedish pasture lands.
Tuesday: Blunt comment from an elderly, elegant upper class lady on the bus, pointing at my blue EU bag with yellow stars, full of propaganda, whoops!, sorry, information material: 'I must say that I strongly dislike the EU! "
Wednesday: Accompanied Commissioner Orban to meeting with the Minister for Education. The Commission's school milk program was not even Mentioned!
Thursday: Frustrated gentleman on the phone: 'I have a complaint to the EU, but I do not speak French. Can you help me? "
Friday: Visit to Dalarna University, for presentation of the EU's multilingualism policy. I wonder whether the Chinese students will remember regulation 1 / 58 for the rest of their lives.
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