How did you come to the focal point of media and theater, and what does that mean?
Originally a journalist, cinema and theater have always been fascinated, I'm reingeschliddert. I work with other professionals in the information transfer in short, read, evaluate, learn - and watch movies. Since I'm involved in reporting, film production or guest appearance, I must speak the language of the media and its presentation shapes from the inside out, because depending on use, I summarize some more, if I the report swivel in the work process for the editor consecutive interpreting, or am literally, if I wear for an interview about journalists - and again another time to me is the German-speaking Radio listeners in the head, for the texts I have in a nutshell. Last but not least, I need stamina, if I have a whole full-length feature film or a play alone, "deny". In preparation I get texts and often DVDs, yet, here is the most important routine baggage.
What challenges await interpreters on the set?
be on the set I like the actors to be patient, in accordance with the quip: "We're paid for waiting, performance is for free!" From one moment to release it's going and full use is in demand because a team waits of up to 60 people on the interpretation. Best but no one waits: Because I know the processes, have I already en passant interpreted everything for my main actor, and whisper to him quickly to the simultaneous additions. Because he understood what is being said on the set, he would every now and then tipped the ear to be informed of the progress of events to date. These are, for example the weather, which may change the shooting schedule, or the implementation of the book in images ("Resolution") will be revised, resulting in a prop or a gesture is unnecessary, the have been perhaps the text learning as "anchors" of importance. I need to know not only processes, but also working practices and jargon.
Do I need to work as interpreters and translators additional training in the media?
I do not know what the school teaches. (She laughs.) Seriously, the market is manageable, since it would come in less than a quarter of a single graduating class. Whoever ends up with us, has definitely to do with both - either was the focus of training on interpretation, or on media. Then professional experience in their own, but add in the other field, I think this is the most difficult. Or maybe someone has a great interest, it's all self-taught, a lot of experience as a translator in the field, a trained voice. Over the years, then comes the routine. It's like wine, which must also mature. Even the most experienced of We always learn more. There are things I still claim their due respect in which I shrink it ...
... What's that?
I only a few live TV broadcasts have interpreted.
Why did you specialize in the media world? What is particularly exciting in this area?
Specialization was after ten years at work, simply because, this kind can not be planned, but discover the talent, there is an allotted to convince clients find difficult moments in public speech. That sounds immodest, but it was Sun At first I was suffering, less for the stars but because of the audience, but stage fright wearing off. I see now only my opponent, the man behind mask or sounding name, and seems to convey it. We often eat together in advance or I play the tour guide, we already have some cooked at home. Sometimes I have to be careful in public conversation, that it does not become too familiar, for example, young stars, because I've already canceled answers softly to protect someone from themselves. Here I will benefit my career as a journalist: interview routine and an awareness of what public means.
Is there a special experience in your work that you will always be remembered?
Et oui, mon ami Claude! Chabrol I interpret the last ten years, and it is always fun because Monsieur leads from the first moment direction and the whole situation is not really seriously. Once I looked bedröppelt obviously, since I was lovesick, and Monsieur has tried to break me rebuild. During the day he began to rave about his son, who often plays along in his films, here too, and he also grad heartache. And in the sudden break in the corridor lounged in the drinks around and asked me: "It was very embarrassing, as my father has praised me" We laughed heartily ... A Berlinale film later came from a journalist asked why Chabrol almost every year make a film. To forget that he is actually tuned to the death, he said it. And because he always revived, no, really live, when he was making films, he always surrounds himself with his family. Several trades were occupied by family members, therefore, here too, the translator are also included.
And what did you say?
I? As an interpreter, I am a mouthpiece and transfer must be what the interviewee says, and can not comment on it by grinning or correction. The journalist knew the Mode Chabrol, monsieur, is famous for it ...
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